ResultMaps for Gmail

Chrome Extension

Set Up - Once you install ResultMaps Inbox for Chrome, all you need to do is login or set up a new ResultMaps Account. Some of the things you can do include

  • See and manage your day plan - including rescheduling and deferring items, delegating them, comment on them, or organize them
  • Import things from your email directly to ResultMaps
  • Import any lists people send you to create a new projects
















ResultMaps Google Docs Add-on

The Google Docs add on pulls information from your document directly in to ResultMaps using our TextGenius parser - automatically converting your notes to assignments, schedules, projects, objectives and more.  Once they are in ResultMaps, you can update them and push information back. 

After import, you can add and track additional items.

Create action items/projects from selection automatically

This sends any text you've selected through ResultMaps TextGenius API to automatically set up action items, accountability, and schedules.  If you include andy of the key words for creating some container - a project or goal, they will be recognized. 

Recognized project/goal keywords include  "Project:"[my goal name], "#project", "Goal:[My goal or objective name]", "Objective:[my goal or objective name]". 

For an overview of keywords recognized by TextGenius, visit the Genius overview.

This menu option will search for users, and create projects and  multiple assignments or action items as needed.   Everything is included in a chunk called a Progress board so you can refer to it in one convenient set.  

To find the progress board later ResultMaps, either use the link returned, or, from within ResultMaps use the project/list navigation helper (pictured in orange):

Then click "progress boards"



Create action item with selection as discussion

This option will prompt you to create a new action item, then inserts the selected text into the discussion section of your action item in ResultMaps. 


Create action item with selection as the title

This option takes the selected text and creates a ResultMaps action item with the selected text as the name.  As always, date keywords that are given hashtags, as well status keywords, and any alignment hashtags will lead ResultMaps to organize accordingly.


Insert updates from ResultMaps

After the text has been organized in ResultMaps, you can pull any updates from ResultMaps back into the Google document with this option. The updates are inserted where your cursor was last located, after you select the date range you want to include.



ResultMaps Slack Integration

ResultMaps Slack App and  "Push-to-Slack"

ResultMaps for Slack

Get the ResultMaps for Slack app.  Coming soon!


Push to Slack Channels from ResultMaps

From ResultMaps you can push updates - like your done/next/blocked status update to slack. You can also request updates and let people know of new assignments.   

Your administrator can configure daily status updates to go email or slack. 

With our soon to be released Slackbot, we'll use ResultMaps genius processing and Slack slash commands to automatically update your project plans, schedules and assignments.   Click here for setup instructions.

Configuring your Slack account to work with ResultMaps for Slack


Account Owners/Adminstrators

1. Your Slack administrator will need to set up a channel called #dailyprogress in order


Each ResultMaps subscriber using slack will need to enter his or Slack username in their profile.  

1. Using the ellipsis in the main navigation bar, select "My Profile"


2. At the top right of your profile page, click on the Slack icon


3. Enter your Slack login name in the space provided, then click "Save"

ResultMaps Focus (Chrome Extension)

The ResultMaps Focus extension for Google Chrome reminds you of your top priorities any time you open a new tab in Chrome. 

It allows you enter new priorities and access the full features of ResultMaps quickly.  


ResultMaps is powered by a robust API that lets developers build apps and widgets that plug directly in to ResultMaps or let you access your ResultMaps data from your own app.  Contact us to get your api key.