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Staying focused on the right things - this week on Inside ResultMaps

Here's your summary of what's going on Inside ResultMaps.

In Product

We ship code every week (and then some). It's driven by you, and your focus over the the last few months has been on ways to...maintain focus.
This week we added a new capability for all result targets (whether your lingo calls them rocks, objectives or goals).
We call it "Persistence Mode" and you can learn more about it here.

ICYMI: Earlier this month we rolled out big improvements to our database architecture, the printable End of Quarter Report, and the End of Quarter Review flow.

Catch up on the updates here

Around the Web

ResultMaps CEO Scott Levy presented to 65 Managed Service Providers on LifeCycle Insight's weekly webinar. We looked at how ResultMaps can help you align anyone to to your strategy ...and drive strategic conversations in the process.

See the replay here

Please "like" and share with anyone you know who could benefit.

Don’t miss: FREE PANEL DISCUSSION Setting KPIs that matter + motivate​

ResultMaps is hosting an expert panel on April 28th. This is a free expert panel for leaders. We’ll talk about using numbers to lead, motivate and track in simple ways that have proven out in the real world.

Register to attend or get the replay here

​What we're reading

This Saturday’s a book summary revisited
Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World.
It's an outstanding look at organizational design through the lens of real-world strategy execution.

Get key take aways here

Have something you want to see in ResultMaps?​

As always, we love to hear any ways we can help you accelerate + thrive through change.
Send us your ideas or what you’d like to see.

​Have a great rest ,and great week ahead.

-the ResultMaps Team