Product Updates 2020.09

Disciplined flexibility to empower execution

It's worth studying the principles, strategies, and tactics used by the 1 in 1,000 leaders who navigate change and achieve success. And it's worth testing those learnings to find what works for your teams teams' capabilities.

With that in mind, here are two updates made specifically to hit one of those proven strategies. The idea of what SEAL officer Jocko Willink calls "empowered execution" comes up again and again in conversations with seasoned CEOs and leaders. The idea is simple: empower everyone on your teams to make great decisions and thrive, even as they navigate the new pace of change.

But simple doesn't mean easy, so here are some updates to help.

As always, reach out for a free strategy session to see how these updates can apply directly to your teams.

New: VIP 1:1 onboarding for every member of your team

We talked with hundreds of CEOs, COOs, and their team members—from companies all over the world. When it comes to software, everyone cites the same problem:

“In our company, software implementations just don’t work. People hate change.”

It's not limited to one company—it's a thing.

That’s why we launched a $1K VIP Pilot. It gives up to 10 people in your organization VIP onboarding and support, including

  • 1:1 onboarding sessions with a teamwork & productivity expert

  • a vision and goal setting workshop

  • a dedicated support rep

Our goal is that every single person becomes a raving fan customer. If you are interested, you can request access here.


Learn more about the research and science behind some of our most popular features in our Rethinking Execution interview series:


Dr. Rebecca Homkes

London Business School, YPO, Executive Advisor, Specialization in High-Growth

We were inspired by Dr. Homkes definition of value, and her 3-step framework for thriving in uncertainty. We think these latest perspectives will have the same broad and lasting impact as her previous work in the Harvard Business Review.


New: ResultMaps V2MOM leaves beta

One of the secrets to's success was a 1-page document that focused teamwork and gave everyone clear direction.

It's called the V2MOM framework. It was created by founder Marc Benioff to drive SalesForce's growth from day 1. It's a perfect fit for many of our customers because it's lightweight and clear.

"This is exactly what I need. This will take us to the next level," according to Ryan Riesert after he set up a V2MOM. Paul Das, a CEO in the UK said, "That's more clarity in the last hour than we've had in more than a decade."

And on the front lines, a customer's team member emailed us saying "it's great that our team now has a common language to help us align."

Learn how to enable and set up V2MOM for your teams, or click the button below.


Learn more about the research and science behind some of our most popular features in our Rethinking Execution interview series:

Creative - Interview Post prep.png

Zach Brandon

Mental Skills Coordinator for MLB’s Arizona Diamondbacks

Our “inner” experience during times of adversity shapes how we respond. We went deep into these concepts with one of Major League Baseball’s experts. Zach shared keys to maintaining the inner dialog required for peak performance, even under long periods of high stress. We think these principles are part of what makes the V2MOM so effective.


Product Updates 2020.10


Dr. Rebecca Homkes, Executive Advisor, on 3 Steps for CEOs to Thrive Forward