Powerful Filters for Strong Performance Data (with Visuals)

Performance reviews are a messy business.
Ever wish you had a guardian angel for your reviews?
What would it do?
Maybe wave a magic wand 🪄 and…

→SHOW the great work you’ve done.
→SHOW how your effort delivers results as you execute the company strategy,
→SHOW you how your energy realizes company vision, mission and values.

And ...

SHOW ALL OF THAT to the person preparing for your review.

We #justshipped big improvements to visibility.

And it's all under your control, so nothing private slips through.

It’s code even your guardian angel can appreciate.

date this 4/8/2022



Customize ResultMaps with your very own logo -or your client’s. 🔥


See the targets you need to hit to reach your number - directly from the scoreboard