“The Progress Principle” - How Operating Rhythms Enhance Workplace Creativity

Business owners, CEOs and leaders will benefit from learning better, research-backed ways to lead, motivate and engage employees. 

This book, The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work by Teresa Amabile + Steven Kramer, destroys misconceptions about those topics. 

The authors began their work by studying drivers of creativity. Then they found something they did not expect. Their data pointed to what makes us resilient, creative, and resolute at work.

A few takeaways:

  • 👉 Money and perks: not the top motivator

  • 👉 Managers and leaders: not trained or educated on how to motivate /what motivates

  • 👉 People: want to be part of something bigger

  • 👉 Simple + specific habit of reflection: creates instant impact

  • 👉 Stack tiny wins every day to build a sense of momentum and meaning

There’s a lot to this book - and a brilliant Google Talk available by the authors as well. You can take advantage of the same concepts using the 90-second update daily in ResultMaps, and our monthly and quarterly review tools.


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