Bringing it all together

Here we are: you are rocking and rolling. You have completed your story grid. You've completed your press release. You've completed a draft of the five why's exercise. We can use the word completed: even if they're drafts, you completed them. That's awesome. Let's take a look now at using our story grid as raw material for a simple vision statement.

The vision canvas

So we are going take everything from our three year story grid, and we're gonna put that into something we call vision canvas.

The "What" Column

In that canvas, the left side is the a statement that starts "We see a world where..." And now you're going to fill in the blanks. You're going to use your story grid to fill it in.

How are your clients behaving? What are the problems they're solving? What are they able to do as a result of the value you give them? You've got ample material now to plug in answers. Maybe you want to wordsmith it, but it's all right there.

The "Why" column

The second column is your "why," stated with the starting phrase: "Because we believe.” And you fill in the answers to those questions from the five whys exercise. So now that you've done this, you can take this information and you can put it into a product like ResultMaps.... Wait a second. There's no product like ResultMaps, so either Result Maps or your Word Doc or Google Doc where everybody can see this vision, and now you have that three-year vision.

I'm super excited to see what everyone comes up with. So if you want to reach out to me, I'd love to see what you've come up with. And I'd love to hear any questions you might have about how to improve it. And if you want more information on next steps: how you can take this and then turn it into your core values, and then turn it into your key measure-ables, and even use that to drive your one year strategy, we've also got options.

👉 NEXT: Bring your vision into ResultMaps: